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3 Factually Incorrect Beliefs, surrounding pain

Discussion in 'Training' started by Zillagreybeard, Dec 21, 2022.
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  • Dec 21, 2022
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3 Factually Incorrect Beliefs, surrounding pain⭕️⁣

Pain experiences are unique, where two people will describe very different feelings despite having very similar diagnosis. ⁣

In this post we’re going to take a look at 3 Pain “misconceptions” that are commonly seen as truth by people.. which are, however, factually untrue. ⁣

1) Does technique have to be perfect to avoid getting hurt? ⁣

In reality, technique is highly dynamic and changes depending on various factors, including load, fatigue, and other inter-individual anatomical differences. Importantly, these changes, which are usually pointed as “imperfect” by some coaches, are NOT necessarily predictive causes of pain/injury.

2) The source of pain is *always* peripheral. ⁣

While cutting your finger, breaking a bone or spraining an ankle certainly hurt and recovering alleviates pain.. that’s not the case when pain is experienced chronically, even in absence of any structural damage (which even if there, generally heals up within a couple months). ⁣

Pain physiology teaches us the science of pain, and how the sensory experience is modulated through “Nociception”. Psychology factors such as our emotional state, pain beliefs, and memories can trigger nociceptive signals which as a result trigger greater pain experiences, even if there’s no structural anomaly.⁣

3) We need to know what the source of pain is. ⁣

Regardless of the diagnosis, addressing our issue makes us feel better. Relieved. This is one reason why many people look for structural anomalies and try to find problems.. where problems likely aren’t even there.

Ultimately coming to terms with the idea that our bodies can, should and will feel pain, and understanding that experiencing it is “not the end of the world”, sets up the base for finally changing our beliefs and identity related to our un

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