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Timing of post workout shake

Discussion in 'Nutrition and Supplements' started by Zillagreybeard, Oct 18, 2022.
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1908 posts
  • Oct 18, 2022
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Should you really worry about your post-workout protein shake ?

Back in the days it was very common to see lifters chug on their protein shakes as soon as they finished their workout.

It was THAT important. Why ?

Well, not consuming it would literally waste precious gains. Or at least that was the idea… but is that actually true ?

In reality, if there’s an “anabolic window of opportunity” it’s really NOT that small. What really matters is that you eat enough protein for the day, and it you really want to take it up a notch, then spacing meals containing ~40g of protein each will likely maximize your results. But that’s really it.

Train hard, consume your protein daily and watch the magic happen!


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