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Sex differences, especially in regards to body fat distribution

Discussion in 'Training' started by Zillagreybeard, Aug 26, 2021.
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1908 posts
  • Aug 26, 2021
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Sex differences, especially in regards to body fat distribution are poorly understood, due to the multi-factorials causes that may play a role in its distribution.

Generally speaking, during puberty, we can find two “types” of body fat distributions: an “Android” body fat pattern, which stores body fat predominantly in the mid-section (and it’s more common in men), and a “Gynoid” body fat pattern, which stores more fat in the gluteo-femoral area (more common in women).

Hormonal and genetic differences are likely responsible for these differences, although the exact mechanisms are yet to be determined.

Interestingly enough, peripheral fat storage (more gynoid-type), is related to a decreased risk of metabolic/cardiovascular diseases and better lipid profiles, regardless of the body fat % compared to bodyweight.

Yet, with ageing and menopause, the more “female” type of body fat distribution changes, becoming similar to men’s.

💡Keep in mind that while these body fat patterns (Android and Gynoid) are generally seen in men and women respectively, that doesn’t mean it’s always the case. It’s completely normal to see a gynoid body fat in men, just like it is to find an Android body fat pattern in women.

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