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Partial reps to promote greater hypertrophy? ⭕️

Discussion in 'Training' started by Zillagreybeard, Dec 28, 2022.
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  • Dec 28, 2022
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Partial reps to promote greater hypertrophy? ⭕️

We’ve always thought that full ROM is the best for hypertrophy, and while that’s generally true in most cases, emerging research is looking at it from a different perspective, and instead of ROM alone, is observing *muscle lengths*.

In previous posts, we’ve learned that exercises that train muscles ar longer muscle lengths are usually superior for hypertrophy…

And interestingly enough, it’s not necessarily about ROM alone — but instead, it’s about how much muscle fibers stretch under load.

In fact, based on the total amount of evidence even training partial reps *at longer muscle lengths* results to be great for hypertrophy.

Generally speaking, Full ROM will be seen as a “good default approach” because they indirectly train longer lengths. However, partials *AT LONG MUSCLE LENGTHS* have their place too.

Should I make a post about some ways we could implement this strategy? Let me know down in the comments!

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