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How to fix that knot in your back.

Discussion in 'Injury Recovery and Prevention' started by Zillagreybeard, Apr 03, 2020.
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1908 posts
  • Apr 03, 2020
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The thoracic spine is considered to be mobile and allows for movement in several planes of direction.

However, because of our lifestyle (sitting, on our phones, etc) we generally lose the mobility in this segment in our spine which can result in “knots” building up in the area. Instead of smashing those knots with a lacrosse ball, implementing different mobility drills (in different planes) can help improve overall mobility and muscular tension.

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Sit on a bench with a dowel across the shoulders. Squeeze the knees together to lock the pelvis into place. Rotate to one side as far as possible followed by side bending. Repeat 2 – 3 times per side or until you reach your end range.

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Lay on your side with the knee bent to 90 degrees on a foam roller. Start with both arms directly stretched out in front of you. Reach the top arm around and over the body while following your fingers with your eyes. Avoid having the knee come off the foam roller.

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Half kneel to the side of a wall with the inside knee on the ground. Pry the outside knee open with the forearm. Reach around and draw a half circle and follow your fingers with your eyes. Avoid having the hips and pelvis twi

187 posts
  • Apr 04, 2020
  • 0

I get them all the time! Iā€™m definitely going to try these. Thx!

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