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Can we address the elephant in the room?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Zillagreybeard, Nov 09, 2022.
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1908 posts
  • Nov 09, 2022
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Can we address the elephant in the room?

Lately I’ve been slightly more “philosophical” than usual, I know, but I feel like it’s important to talk about this stuff too, because it does not get mentioned enough.

This is a post against the unrealistically high expectations that the fitness industry sets *as a standard*, which is demotivating the younger generations and making more and more lifters dissatisfied with their results, despite them making great progress after many years of training.

And that’s exactly what creates the imaginary “need” for changing your routine, your diet, and perhaps look into faster ways to gain faster and better results. Which usually don’t work.

The reality is, assuming you were already following a progressive training plan, you don’t need “new exercises you weren’t doing”, you don’t need to learn the “ultimate hypertrophy trick”.

What you need to do is you need to stop comparing yourself to other people, and accept the fact that REALISTIC progress takes time. A LOT of time. Way more time than what social media makes seem.

I get it, it feels like if it’s not “impressive” –by today’s standards– then you shouldn’t be proud of your hard work. But that’s not the reality of how this works in any field.

Progress is progress, and you should be damn proud of your achievements, regardless of how “small” they may seem or feel compared to what you see thrown around on socials. Which does NOT paint a real picture of what reality actually is.

Keep working and be proud of your progress. One step at a time!

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