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Breathing during Heavy Lifting

Discussion in 'Training' started by Zillagreybeard, Nov 29, 2021.
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  • Nov 29, 2021
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Breathing during Heavy Lifting⭕️

Anyway, lifting heavy weights requires our body to generate of internal pressure, a process generally referred to as “the Valsalva Maneuver”.

This process is mediated via both, intra-thoracic and intra-abdominal pressure, and it allows lifts to be performed more efficiently, with a greater sense of security experienced during its execution.

The use of the belts helps us with this process, exacty, and that’s one reason why a lot of very strong lifters use it.

As we breathe in, and the rib cage expands, the diaphragm muscle contracts pushing downward to the abdominal cavity.

In a way, we generate “3D pressure”, because it’s literally put outwards in all directions with the belt containing and countering it.

A very cool way to think about out mid section and core during this phase, is to think of an unopened soda can.

If you try to squeeze it, the pressure contained inside will not allow you to do so!

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