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Motivational Quotes and Crap!!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Zillagreybeard, May 11, 2023.
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1908 posts
  • May 11, 2023
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People know what NOT to do. There’s something emotional that prevents them from doing it.

It reminds me of something Mark Young said about clients of his who complain about his coaching style. Every now and then someone will chime in and say something like “nothing you have said is new to me, or something I couldn’t have done myself without paying you.”

“Well, were you doing it?” he’ll ask.

It’s such a money response. For some reason, people will hear the following:

• Make your own lunches to bring to work.
• Pre-package your own meals ahead of time in your fridge.
• Limit access to trigger foods that can make you overeat.
• Use smaller plates.
• When in doubt, eat more protein.
• Drink more water.
• Eat your freaking vegetables, you child.

… and people who hear this will say stuff like, “That’s so simple. I already know all that!”

Okay, so do it. – Tony Gentilcore

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