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DEADLIFTS: Creating Full Body Tension
Discussion in 'Training' started by Zillagreybeard, Mar 07, 2023.You must be logged in to reply to this topic.
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kaithy replied 17 hours, 1 minute ago
kaithy replied 17 hours, 2 minutes ago
DEADLIFTS: Creating Full Body Tension⭕️
Here’s a post on how to create full body tension for the deadlift, in 3 ‘easy’ steps.
Creating a solid base will allow you to perform a strong deadlift:
1) Grip the bar firmly with the grip that allows you to exert the most force. Grips can be different and they’re all legit, and you can pick between a double overhand, a mixed one or join the dark side with the Hook Grip (the strongest of them all).
2) Breathing: once you grab the bar & bend over, the next phase is to take a deep breath in. You’ll want to hold the breath throughout the remaining part of the deadlift (generally more useful with heavy lods 85%+ of 1RMs) set up & execution: breathe through your diaphragm (belly) & brace your core to provide greater self of security, and power!
3) The third & most neglected part of the set up of a deadlift is to pull the slack out of the barbell! It’s basically pulling the bar up towards yourself, kind of “tearing it apart”, making it adhere to the upper part of the plates’ holes, while getting into position to perform. It just makes the lift so much more efficient. You will hear a “click/clang” if you do it correctly.
All of this happens BEFORE the actual pull at each and every rep, starting from the ground (dead start).
Once you’ve completed each of this step, only then you can lift the bar up through leg drive 👍